Wednesday 14 September 2016


Every day,
Work some
Earn some
Spend some,
What a drudge
Bear a grudge,
How long will you listen
To the song of the City,
Breathe it's fumes, and
Peer at faces that show no pity.
Cry! realise, you're just small fry.

Walk to the edge
Remove the wedge
Get out of there
Listen!  nature's calling
Ease the strain
Re-set the brain
Play some
Rest Some
Lie... in fields of green
Live life outside the seams
Dare to dream.

©Kris Prevel
   re-worked 14.09.2016

Monday 11 July 2016

My heart strings were pulled out of orbit
Eclipsed by your strong love
While another stood watching, bereft, on shifting sand

©Kris Prevel
Perpetuating thoughts
Swirl through space
Uncaptured for want of a key

©Kris Prevel

Wedding Vows

Heavenly heights of love
Soaring on elated wings
Opens an invisible gateway
Bound in the eternity of rings

©Kris Prevel

Monday 14 March 2016

Colour Happy

I am dowdy
I live in grey
In all I do
And all I say
Nondescript in every way
Safely hidden amid the fray
Life has changed
I'm now seeing rainbows
I live in pinks & embrace yellows
In all I do
And all I say
I'm different in every way
No longer do I live in grey

"Life's too short not to be colourful"

Written by
©Kris Prevel

Monday 1 February 2016

The Weekly Call

I pick up the phone and dial
A newly familiar voice replies
He do speak Valley chat
And I speak Swansea Jack
We talk of this and that
And of that and this
Conversation flows
Without warning, my mind blows
This is my brother! ...MY BROTHER!
I'm talking to my brother!
It's like being hit by an anvil
It's beyond indescribable
In two years of knowing
Relations have grown
What was hidden in youth
Was revealed by sleuth
But the brain in my skull
Still struggles to allow
This revelation of wondrous clarity.

Written by Kris Prevel
30 January 2016

Monday 19 October 2015

Past but Not Forgotton

No more
No more

It wasn't right
It was an endurance test
To see if you were strong
Where did it all go so wrong?
Striving to be right
But every dream fell from sight
Reigning chaos, resentment and spite
Each spirit deluded and sorrowed
Each hoping for a better tomorrow
It never came
It was too broken, too insane
The cement of good intent
Crumbled under the weight
There was no rescue from that plight

No more
No more

©Kris Prevel

Thursday 8 October 2015

Urban Mischief

On Western's sands
Stands Dismaland
Where Mickey Mouse Ushers
Oust ticket dodgers
Oh! what a circus
They shout, they're brusque

To give it it's due
There's a zig zag queue
Just like Disney, Florida.
Disciplined false grins
Endure bad weather
The £3 won't even buy an umbrella

A Ferris Wheel
Mannequins that squeal
Giant Pinwheel
Pretty in colour
I saw it all
Over the wall

We weren't your clowns
That spent our pounds
We laughed with you
We could see through...and the queues
What imbeciles, what goons
You said so yourself, on your black balloons

BANKSY! ...he's amused.....again....and rich!!!

©Kris Prevel

Thursday 23 July 2015

The Shires

A little owl looked as startled as us,
Downwind of hares, they approach, unaware
Above, a Kite surfs his thermal world
Below, rainbows enjoy the clear liquidity of theirs
So fleet of foot is the disturbed Roe
And look at the silly cows lining up to say hello
Idly, we sit, mesmerised by waves of green
Listen!  the countryside is deafening with life
Listen!  the city is deafening with noise

©Kris Prevel
   June 2015