Thursday 8 October 2015

Urban Mischief

On Western's sands
Stands Dismaland
Where Mickey Mouse Ushers
Oust ticket dodgers
Oh! what a circus
They shout, they're brusque

To give it it's due
There's a zig zag queue
Just like Disney, Florida.
Disciplined false grins
Endure bad weather
The £3 won't even buy an umbrella

A Ferris Wheel
Mannequins that squeal
Giant Pinwheel
Pretty in colour
I saw it all
Over the wall

We weren't your clowns
That spent our pounds
We laughed with you
We could see through...and the queues
What imbeciles, what goons
You said so yourself, on your black balloons

BANKSY! ...he's amused.....again....and rich!!!

©Kris Prevel

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