Friday 3 July 2015

A Yogi I'm Not...but I'm trying

I decided to try a Yoga Class
Well! my sinews creaked
and my tendons shrieked
as I tried to raise and lower my toes...
they...well! they managed a sideways pose

Then I did a forward bend
my muscles struggled
to stretch nearly double;
my ribs said Tata to my hips
and my thighs nearly fainted at the sight of my......Lips

Squats were the worst
I managed to go down
yes, that's right, I managed to go down!
and when my thighs cried "don't you dare"
everyone turned to stare            

Next, Vrksasana - Oh! how elegant!
Me? Haha!  ono not me!
my foot would go nowhere near my knee
and the class fell about in hoots
when I was felled at the roots

I couldn't wait to try the Lotus - it looked so easy,
Suffice to say,
I was carried away
The Nurse who untangled me was lovely and I finally re-emerged
Ooo! sorry...I diverge

Well this is a welcome surprise
some relaxation time
a time to let all those muscles and sinews unwind
Well, I'm not put off, I'll be back next week
With lots of practice...I'm sure I'll be a yogi flier but maybe not next week

Yoga enlightenment, this is what I seek

©Kris Prevel
   June 2015

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