Saturday 13 June 2015

Dangerous Affair

They arrive at the Pub in separate cars
Two laptops and overnight bags
Just back from some conference

They're a pair of Suits
With very shallow roots
Away from the eyes of surveillance

They sit far too closely
They're not married, at least, not to each other
That much is plain

Rapt in their fervour of illicit actions
Whilst onlookers try not to stare
Or mentally apportion blame

One is tearfully looking for an answer
Whilst I suspect the other doesn't want a stir
It's his only selfish care

It's a fling, a affair!
There'll be a backlash to this
Momentary snatched dare

Lust is not Love
Although, I kid you not
Some may call it mature

Lust is the killer emotion
Driving the madness moments
Planning for that non-existence future

The intensity addles the brain
There's no rationale
The only goal is to meet next week...Oo! the lust!

Look at all the deceitful excuses
The mental abuses
Nought can cure this breach of trust

Tomorrow will look back
Severely judging
That which couldn't be smudged

Hardship will follow loneliness
Loneliness will follow tears
Tears will follow contempt and grudge

These are the traits left behind by lust
It touches the unsuspecting
The thriller turned killer, black and bleak

He checks his watch
Soon they will separate, back to their lives of lies
Their quelled desire in knots, cheats!

So to the long passionate embrace goodbye
Two scandalous people
Alone, in this secret crowded space

They've crossed the invisible line
Now they're leaving
Hoping to slot into normal....but there's always a detectible trace!

©Kris Prevel
June 2015

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